
Friday, August 22, 2014

Sci-Fi 1.0

"Star Trek" Pioneers in predicting the future!

Star trek is one of the most famous television shows in history. The interesting part is that most of the technology foreseen and captured in this Sci-fiction series came true in the 21st century. The technologies shown through this TV series suggests, how much the world is changed since the Original Star trek series in 1965. For an instant, think about the futuristic creativity of the people who produced Star Trek back then. Wasn't this the reason for all this technology became developed? In this article, i will be able to show the best 8 technologies which came true after telecasting Star trek. 

Cell phones were not invented until 1975. But Star Trek showed us the communications which is way more similar to cell phones. These pins were used as communication devices in star trek. These communication pins were pined to each crew member's chest when they were joined to the star fleet.There's also communication devices which can link people to the same network inside a designated area like an office or building by using the browsers over a Wireless LAN. This technology of using Browsers and Wifi is unbelievably futuristic in 1960's. 


Hypospray is a form of hypodermic injection of medication. A hypospray injection is forced under the skin (a subcutaneous injection) with high air pressure. The air pressure shoots the liquid vaccine deep enough into the skin that no needle is required. The real-world application is known as a jet injector. Jet injecting is safer (no needles to pass along infectious disease) and faster in administering vaccines. Similar in appearance to an automotive paint gun, jet injection systems can use a larger container for the vaccine, thus allowing medical personnel to inoculate more people quicker. This technology is Used in star trek may have a pretty good  influence in development of the Jet Injector

Tractor Beam 

Optical tweezers are as close as you're going to get to a legitimate tractor beam on current-day Earth. Scientists have harnessed small lasers into beams capable of manipulating molecules and moving them with precision. Optical tweezers use a focused laser to trap and suspend microscopic particles in an optical trap. Scientists can use optical tweezers to trap and remove bacteria and sort cells. Optical tweezers are used primarily in studying the physical properties of DNA. While the beams used in optical tweezers aren't strong enough to dock the space shuttle to the International Space Station, it's a start in that direction. Yes. it doesn't shoot enemies or tele-port stuff like tractor beam. But I'm pretty sure that this technology is almost on the way to this world.


 It's hard to deny that the handheld tablets we watched Picard and Riker carry around have become analogous to our own iPads and other devices. We might even have taken it further. "With hundreds of thousands of apps, from drawing to databases to communications, the tablet is actually ahead of what we envisioned in Trek," Latrell suggests. This technology of touchpads emmerged long after the discovery of computers by steve Jobs. But look at the technology they dreamed of having.

 In-Ear Comms.

Oh, Uhura. Nobody thought you were bonkers when you started conversations with the voices in your head. That's because your in-ear communications device was a huge silver thing that everyone could see. Nowadays, we've got inconspicuous Bluetooths and similar devices. normally these days we use bluetooth ear pieces to listen to the phone when ever we want. 

                                                                                   Voice and Video interface

In Star Trek IV and tried to talk to the people face to face. The 20th-century engineers around him wore their reactions on their sleeves. No more would our original engineer get such treatment, thanks to Siri and her cousins — common in everything from your computer to your car. Not only that but also Skype and facetime. This communication technology was way beyond their time in 1965. 

Transparent Aluminium

Transparent Aluminum. Here's another Star Trek IV related innovation. Scientists recently unveiled an aluminum-based ceramic that's not only transparent, it'll stop a .50 caliber round. Go ahead and make a humpback-whale aquarium out of that!


3-D printing is what the star trek people call replicators. You can order designs in plastics, metals or ceramics. This only prints in plastic at the moment but future machines may print in just about anything. Some people are even experimenting with 3-D printers for food or replacement body parts. 



Thursday, August 21, 2014

Real life Electro - Truly strange 2.0


Amazing Spider Man way released may of this year. And It's almost impossible to find someone who doesn't know who "Electro" is. In fact this Electro isn't Evil at all. What we are about to talk about is all about a person who possess the mind-blowing superpower of being impervious to electric shock. Mr. Ma Xiangang is the person with this wonderful ability. There's also a interesting story behind how he realized he has that ability.

One day when his television quit working, he went to go crazy with the fuse box trying to get it to come back on, accidentally touching a live wire in the process. If a normal person touch a live wire, this story would end by people standing around a coffin because someone completely got electrocuted. But in this case Mr. Xiangang never felt a thing. But he didn't stop by that. he touched the wire again just to verify what just happened thinking he'll either die or get superpowers. Guess what? He really got them. But not because touched the live wire during a storm. But by genetics.

The conductance of a human body varies with how thick the skin is. And even amount of sweat in the body.Mr. Xianang has Skin conductance seven to eight times greater than the average human being, which grants him the ability to handle live wires without any safety. He's born to be an Electrician. Instead feeling a thing when he touches live electric wires, he feels more and more energetic. He even gives this diathermic massage. there's not only him who's like electro, but also John Chang, also known as the Magus of Java or the Electric Eel man is a mysterious Indonesian healer who reportely possesses an incredible power called nei kung. He could generate energy that could burn paper with his hand. The world is stranger as it gets. Stay strange for more truly strange news


tech world 1.0

Brain Computer Interface 

OK! I'm back with another interesting and rather valuable story. Brain computer interface. Biology and technology are progressing in rapid synergy with one another, bringing about startling advances in fields ranging from medicine to neuroscience to computing. Imagine plugging a USB to your head and uploading millions of information known to mankind. Interesting isn't it? This isn't something new to somebody familiar with "Doctor Who" the TV series. Does these science fiction ever comes to life? the answer is yes! These days,  Scientists, futurists and transhumanists are already started gathering research data to discuss and improve how these technologies are paving a path toward digital immortality. Anyway, will this incredible technology bring humanity closer to the technical singularitythe point at which technology will exceed human brainpower? or will this be the end of Humanity?  

Even though, this rough question of life and death exists, lets get to know how deep we already went in this matter. Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) or brain-machine interfaces, have progressed significantly in recent years. Some BCIs aim to restore mobility to people who are paralyzed by spinal cord injury, stroke or brain disease. Others aim to restore senses like sight or hearing. Researchers are even developing BCIs now to restore memory.   
BCIs implanted in the brain's motor areas can record the electrical signals that represent particular movements. A computer decodes the signals and uses them to control a computer cursor or prosthetic limb. At the Global Future congress, engineers José Carmena and Michel Maharbiz of the University of California, Berkeley described their work to create stable, long-lasting, completely wireless BCIs.   

Also at the conference, neural engineer Theodore Berger of the University of Southern California in Los Angeles spoke about developing a memory prosthesis. The device would replace part of the brain's hippocampus, where short-term memory is converted to long-term memory. So far Berger has had success in rats and monkeys, and he's currently testing the device in humans.  
That means the technology of the brain computer interface do exist. not a fiction.  


Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Sci-History 1.0


The Ranmasu Uyana was mainly known for its rock sculpted bathing ponds with a sophisticated hydraulics mechanism. A subtle use of pressure difference enables the pumping of water from the nearby Tissa Wewa to the swimming pools of the garden. The pools themselves display a clever use of technology and craftsmanship, in constructing a flawless luxury swimming facility nearly three thousand years ago. 

 However the true wonder of Ranmasu Uyana is found among the rock boulders and caves away from the pools. Carved on a stone wall is a strange map like chart known to many as the ‘stargate’. A stargate is believed to be a gateway between the earth and the outer space, through which humans allegedly roamed the universe communicating and engaging with other intelligent beings in the universe. This chart is believed to be the secret code to accessing the Stargate. Facing the stargate marking are four seats, which implies that it was a chart, which could be used                                                                                                       or manipulated by four individuals. 

 The discovery of the stargate marking had created waves amidst archaeologists and pre-historic investigators, some drawing parallels between the stargate charts found in Abu Ghurab in Egypt and ‘the gate way to the gods’ in Peru. The bizarre coincidence of all the three marks been found in the vicinity of a water way, with sophisticated engineering methods, had given rise to various theories. 

The most favourite is the claim that these stargates were used by extraterrestrials that were gold mining in Earth. Their theory is built up on the fact that in 2400 BC the stargate in Abu Ghurab Egypt was surrounded by water while” La Puerta de HayuMarka.” Or “The Gateway to The Gods” in Peru too is built closer Lake Titicaca, with underground water tunnels and chambers beneath the pyramids. 
The advocates of the ‘processing gold from the waters of Earth’ theory believes that these water channels, chambers, reservoirs and filters found near each stargate to have been a part of a sophisticated mechanism developed by extraterrestrials thousands of years ago. 
If the theory is held to be true, RanmasuUyana had once been a ‘gold processing center of extraterrestrials’, which arrived on earth through stargates. 
Yet archaeologists are eager to discard these theories as pure imagination. According to the earliest archaeologists and historians the charts could have been a descriptive chart of the universe according to Buddhism or a simple map of the earth. At later stages the historians have interpreted them as descriptions of animal evolution or as the way Tantric Buddhist monks perceived the world. It is believed that they used them for meditation purposes as well. 
Present day archaeologist abhor the thought of comparing Egyptian civilisation with the Sri Lankan civilisation, insisting that ours is a unique island civilisation pure of Egyptian or Babylonian influence. 
Whatever their initial use may have been, the interpretations provided for these markings varies from a secret key to space travelling to the floor plan of Sigiriya, a rock garden found closer to Anuradhapura. Yet the only fact about these charts is that despite various claims and arguments, we are nowhere near to understanding them or knowing their sources. 


Sunday, August 17, 2014

Knife Through the Brain - Truly strange 1.0

Someone call Chicken Little and tell him to stay inside. No, the sky itself isn’t falling, but if knives are dropping through the atmosphere like rain drops, none of us can be too careful. Just ask Xiao Yunzhi of Guangyuan, China, who took a 5” knife to the side of the head while walking down the street. he survived being hit by a knife that fell from an eighth-floor balcony and pierced his skull, according to news reports. This unusual story — reported last week by the U.K. online newspaper The Telegraph— may seem far-fetched, but surviving a knife through the head is possible, said Dr. Richard Temes, director of the Center for Neurocritical Care at North Shore University Hospital in Manhasset, New York. 

How is this even possible? the ex-ray shows that the knife is gone right through his head.

In 2011, another man had a knife buried in his head for 4 years.A man who went to the doctor complaining of a headache was shocked to discover he'd had a 4in knife blade stuck in his brain for more than four years. Li Fu from Yunnan Province, China, was stabbed during a robbery in 2006, and the blade of the knife had lodged in his cranium. But despite receiving treatment for his injuries, doctors failed to notice the knife buried deep in the 37-year-old's skull. There must be something with these Chinese people, when it comes to surviving knife attacks. Is the cranium structure of Chinese men different so that they can suvive? ir Is this a big coincidence. or does nothing happens when a knife goes through the brain but through unwanted, and unimportant parts. Probably... i'll be back with more Truly strange news.... stay tuned


Supernatural 1.0

So, this topic we are about to discuss is kind of about the supernatural and beyond our reach. Many people around the world, demands that the supernatural out of body experiences do exist. When talking of the out of body experiences, I have my own story. Recently, my grandpa got ill and had to do a serious operation. When he was successfully recovered from his surgery, He personally told me that he saw him laying on the operating table and also saw doctors doing the surgery. So, I thought, this is a pretty good opportunity for me to investigate the supernatural. 
 The human mind effortlessly constructs the feeling of inhabiting a body, and now scientists are figuring out how the brain produces that experience. That will be so much remarkable because, imagine if you can create any such experience, It will be just like "DIVERGENT" the movie. Just like the way they do the 'Aptitude test'. Anyway, back to the topic. Annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience , highlighted that the brain regions are active when a person has an out-of-body experience. Recent studies have shown that the brain incorporates information from multiple senses and the first-person visual perspective to create a sense of body ownership. But it's still unclear how the brain perceives the body's location in space.  
which has not yet been published in a scientific journal, participants lay inside an MRI scanner while wearing a head-mounted display that showed a first-person camera view of another person's body lying in a corner of the scanner room, with their head either parallel to a wall or perpendicular to it. Researchers from the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden repeatedly touched each participant with an object while simultaneously touching the body shown in the camera view. This gave participants the illusion that the body in the camera view belonged to them. 
To heighten the illusion, the researchers used a knife to threaten the body in the camera, and measured the participants' skin conductance, or ability to conduct electricity. surprisingly, the results suggests that, the brain relies on a complex interplay of information from different senses to produce the experience of being inside of a body — even when it's someone else's. 
But, still have to believe that it's still not only these senses, but also the something other than it. If the Law of conservation of energy is true, and because, the body we have is energy. it should convert to another form. a form which we can't see.  
 We will talk about this more on Supernatural 2.0. Please comment what you think! every opinion counts..


Saturday, August 16, 2014

Welcome To SciLock

HELLO WORLD!!! This is my first post... so let me introduce my self. I'm a science researcher and a teenager. But, not an ordinary one. For an instant, I see the world completely different from a normal individual. Seriously, I might sound like a normal person through this post. But, Believe me, what you will see in this blog might really change the way you think about everything. People call me "Root". But, its not like i will say "I am Root", Just like 'Groot' says "I am Groot" in the Guardians of the Galaxy. So, let me cut to the chase. Basically, People think if there's a "Sci" part in title, it's going to be super boring. Mostly teenagers thinks so. But, In fact i will be talking about day to today life including, the way we think and things beyond our reach. And even things we can't believe, but still happening. Anyway, Let me tell you why i chose the title "SciLock". Most of the people knows "Sherlock Holmes" is a world wide known fictional detective. Anybody would say, this is a pretty good name because it actually has the in depth meaning of what this blog is all about. World through a eye of SciLock is going to be different. If you think you can change the world by thinking a little bit different, leave a comment. Express yourself. So, let's put you SciLock Glasses and Enjoy.
